Merryall Manse 1955Merryall Manse in 1955

Merryal Manse, Inc.

Welcome to the Merryall Manse Web site. The site is currently devoted to exploring issues surrounding non-surface-disturbance leasing for natural gas under the Merryall Manse property. The photos and other content that have heretofore been on the site will return.

Notice of Special Meeting

The Board of Trustees for the Corporation Merryall Manse, Inc. will hold a special meeting via conference call on Sunday, November 15, 2009 EST to consider issues around signing a non-surface-disturbance lease for the extraction of natural gas from beneath the Merryall Manse's 88 acres.

According to the Corporation's By-laws, at least 14-days notice of a special meeting of the Board shall be delivered to each member of the Board at his or her address as shown by the records of the Corporation. An email with notice of the meeting was sent to each Board member on Sunday, November 1, 2009. The email addresses were checked over the past two weeks; each Board member replied from those emails, and so verified that the Corporation's records of address are current.

In addition, notice of all meetings shall be posted prominently in a public place using generally available means of communication, whether physical, electronic, or otherwise, that is generally accessible to Members of the Merryall Manse Community.

Members of the Board and the Corporation's steward are emailing or calling members of the wider Merryall community to let them know that the notice for the special meeting as well as information on the issues at hand are posted here, on the Merryall Manse Web site.

Conference Call: The special meeting is open to all members of the Merryall community who wish to participate. If you want to join the conference call, please be in touch with Susan Reynolds.

Brief Background

Over the past number years, interest in drilling for natural gas has grown in and around Bradford County. The Board, with the support of the larger Merryall Community, has consistently voted not to allow drilling for natural gas on any of the Merryall Manse property.

A new technology, a way of leasing mineral rights without allowing drilling on the Manse property, as well as a change in the market have lead to new considerations around signing an agreement with a Gas company for rights to extract natural gas from under the property.

Larry Wood has made an in-depth review of the situation which he presented to the Board, starting in mid-October. We are posting his presentation and discussion of the issues on this Web site to make it easily accessible to the larger Merryall Manse community.


Larry Wood has made an excellent presentation of issues through a series of emails to the Board members, surrounding the consideration of signing a non-surface-disturbance lease for extracting the natural gas beneath the Manse's 88 acres of land, located in the village of Merryall, Bradford County, Pennsylvania.

I have posted these emails, along with follow-up, on the Web site so that all of the Merryall community can come up to speed and enter into discussion about the issues. Emails going out to the larger community will include the email addresses and telephone numbers of the Board members and steward.

This presentation with follow-up discussion appears on pages of this Web site labeled:

I have updated the site with notes from Larry on how transactions would work for, with and through a partnership. See attached Word.doc.

To members of the Merryall community, if you want to air your thoughts for the community, please use "reply all" from the email you received that includes all of the Board members' email addresses. We will summarize and post discussion on this site.

To have a better understanding of the mission and values of Merryall Manse, inc. please read the By-Laws, which are posted on this site.

These pages and the notice was updated by Susan Reynolds (SMR), President, Merryall Manse, Inc. November 8, 2009